Hey everyone! Today we’re going to talk about Apex Legends’ ranked mode in Season 4 and how can you boost your RP higher in Season 4.

I’m a professional Apex Legends booster and I regularly complete Master and Apex Predator order, just as the lower RP orders. In order to do that, I must be familiar with the Season 4 meta and now I’m going to share some of it with you!

Let’s dive in.

Apex Legends Season 4 Meta

Season 3 was played quite a bit differently, aggressive compositions were dominant, rushing and picking every fight was the goal. Ideal legends were Pathfinder, Wraith and Lifeline. However, this season it’s a bit different story.

People are playing a lot more seriously and safer this season, not rushing as much, capturing and holding houses. On top of that, they’re picking legends that aren’t as aggressive. Regardless, the best apex legends characters tier list is still valid and updated regularly.

This season, Wraith is still very good due to her portal being very valuable, so is Pathfinder with his Zipline. However, Lifeline fell out of meta. She is getting replaced with Gibraltar and Wattson.

Therefore, the most "sweaty" and tryhard comp you can get in order to effectively increase your RP is Wraith, Wattson, and Gibraltar. It may not be as fun as Wraith, Pathfinder + another aggressive legend, but it's much safer and reliable. Our Apex Legends boost team plays that comp a lot in higher RP ranges like Master and Predator as well.

If you're a good Pathfinder, that's okay he's still great and you can play him instead of Gibby or Wattson. Another possible wildcard for a sweaty comp is Crypto.

Best Season 4 Weapons

We actually have a regularly updated best Apex Legends weapons tier list that you can check out. However, I'll list some of the must-have weapons here as well.

R-99 (even after nerf), Peacekeeper, and Wingman are still extremely good. However, in Season 4 some other weapons are brought to light such as Prowler with Selectfire, L-Star, and Flatline.

Best Playstyle in Season 4

Now let's talk about the playstyle.

Early Game

Early game is considered the part where you drop out and land. You usually want to pick a zone with a maximum of one other team. If you drop hot with many other teams in range, skill alone won't help you, there's a lot of RNG and you might just die unluckily and lose those points, definitely not wise.

The optimal way is to pick on an early fight and grab a couple of kills, just roaming solo doesn't bring you any points and the game is boring. You need to pick up some kills, sorry campers! This is especially valid if you're lucky and run into some good armor and weapons, at that point, you MUST pick an early fight and wipe an enemy squad out. There most likely won't be any 3rd parties since the others are looting and are probably not as close to you.

Mid Game

Mid game is usually the slowest and most boring part of the game. At that point, your goal should be to try and move towards the end zones slowly not to get caught by the circle. If you haven't started memorizing the end zones, start doing it.

This will allow you to take a good position early on. A Pathfinder will come in very handy here with the survey beacons. Regarding fights, try to avoid them if possible, 3rd party risk is now super high and we don't want RNG when it comes to grinding RP in Apex Legends. Focus on looting and capturing a good position for late game.

End Game

At this point, you want to take the best position and house as possible. Wattson comes in very handy here due to her ultimate and tactical. However, if the zone doesn't have good houses, Gibraltar saves the day with the dome.

Wraith comes to the spotlight here as well due to her portal, you can prime the portal right before the circle starts moving and forces every team to move.

Taking fights end game is also very risky due to 3rd party so avoid taking them until you absolutely have to.

Get an Apex Legends Boost

The last tip I have for you is that if you keep struggling with bad teammates, playing solo, and so on, you know the pain... Consider purchasing Apex Legends boosting.

What this means is that Boosting Factory hires only professional Apex Legends Predator boosters that help people boost their RP, badges, kills, and more.

Of course, in a completely safe and anonymous way. Wouldn't it be fun to just relax while your RP grows, or even play with Predators while increasing your RP?

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