
Our Overwatch 2 placement matches boosting squad is preparing to dominate the OW 2 placements in the upcoming season and they're ready to share some of their knowledge with you on how to win all 7 wins while keeping your losses low, preferably none!

My name is Kersa and I peaked Top 100 every Overwatch season so far, I've done hundreds of boosts as a member of Boosting Factory's Overwatch boost team.

Without further ado, let's start with the tips that will help you win all Overwatch 2 placements.

1. Read Our Guides

Reading our blog is a no-brainer. There you will find many FREE guides on all heroes and other strategies and tips for Overwatch 2. If you're lazy, at least go through our Overwatch 2 best heroes tier list to find out which heroes are meta now and practice those.

2. Draft Only The Current Meta Heroes

Do not go into Overwatch 2 placement matches drafting non-meta heroes from the bottom of the tier list, you unnecessarily tilt your team by playing a hero that works only in certain compositions and maps and you simply do not provide enough value to the team. Stick to the meta and the current Ow 2 tier list.

3. Avoid Playing During Late Nights and Weekends

During late nights, you are likely tired, and so is your team. We don't want to know who is more tired, it sucks. Also, not many people play at that time meaning the matchmaker will struggle more to form a decently balanced match, meaning that one of the teams will be stronger. Do you really want to gamble?

And for the weekends part. A lot of casual players and children play during the weekends, they also want their Overwatch 2 placements done but they aren't as nearly as hardcore as you, eh? Meaning they might not take ranked as seriously as you do and will likely ruin your Overwatch 2 rank.

4. Be Nice, Supportive, And Lead The Draft

Many people will be tilted and start playing random heroes like the world is over, even though they can still fix their placement score.

Once you get into the game, say hi, but don’t be that overly positive annoying dude. Just do a decent Hi and try to be nice.

Be supportive, if someone picks a bad hero or something weird, approach them nicely. Hey mate, mind swapping that >>Symmetra<
Your team will be more confident knowing someone is sort of leading or even actually leading.

overwatch 2 endorsement Be this guy.

5. Draft ONLY Comfort Picks

This advice may be contrary to the one where we say that you should draft only heroes that rank high in the OW 2 tier list, but if your comfort picks, e.g. the picks that you played hundreds of games with are not high on the tier list. It doesn't matter!

Pick that, try to state in the draft that it's your main hero and that it might even help you guys win as the enemies don't meet that pick often since it isn't drafted a lot. Win-win.

6. Play Duo With Someone You Know or Trust

Find someone that suited you from past matches and add them. Or invite your actual friends if they're good. If none of that works, contact our Overwatch 2 boosting team and we'll assign you a pro to give you a little push you in no-time.

7. Don't Play Tilted And Take Breaks

Another no-brainer, bad day? Don't do your placements today. If you really want to play that today, okay. Have a nap, have some coffee (don't drink coffee for the first time, only if you're a coffee drinker :) take a walk, clear your head and do at least one warm-up regular game. After each loss, take a break, maybe have a meal, listen to some music and get back clearheaded 15-30 mins later.

overwatch 2 placements silver 5 bad score Don't be this guy.

8. Get Overwatch 2 Coaching

Getting coaching is a great way to improve, do you think that Ronaldo got where he is without coaches? You need someone more experienced and wiser to teach you. Check out our various Overwatch 2 coaches and find the one for you.

9. Hire Our Pros To Do Placements For or With You In Duo

We can play for you, or you can opt-in for playing with our boosters in a team. We guarantee scores of 7-3 or better on each order, and in lower ranks even 7-2 or better. You get the best of the best in Overwatch 2, maybe even I will do your order!

10. Never Give Up

And the last one. This game isn't built like for example League of Legends, where a leading team has much higher chances of actually remaining in lead and winning it.

Overwatch 2 is built in a way where one late-game team fight can result in a turned game even though you were losing earlier.

Secure your Overwatch seasonal rewards, today.

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