CoD MW 2 Season 2 Reloaded is here, and the second Raid episode continues the story of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 after it came out. Our full guide will show you how to finish the Raid and get the special rewards for this episode.

What are Raids anyway?

Raids continue the story of Modern Warfare 2's campaign. This is a three-player mode with stealth, action, and puzzle-solving goals. Season 1 Reloaded came out on December 14, and the first episode came out on the same day. If you still want to see the story and get a Gaz operator skin, here's our full Atomgrad raid Episode 1 guide. But if you skip to Episode 2, you will get a recap of the story.

This is the second of five seasonal episodes. Each season of Modern Warfare 2 will have a new Raid episode.

How To Complete Episode 2

Get to the top of the missile silo

After the review, you'll be back where you were in the missile silo. You have to get on top of the silo. There will be a yellow ladder and some ledges that you can use to get to the next level.

At the top, armored enemies will be waiting for you. Take them out and follow the arrows on the walls until you reach a steep path going up. Every so often, steam comes out of vents. It won't kill you, but it will slow you down.

This will take you to another silo area where you have to climb and do some parkour to get higher. Behind you will come a juggernaut, but it's not too hard to deal with here. If you kill the juggernaut, you can start climbing.

atomgrad raid episode 2 guide part 1
But there are steam vents in the way of this climb. One person needs to stay at the valve near the ladder while the other two climb up the side of the silo to reach the first white platform to stand on. There is another valve at the top that the first person can use to help the last person get through the steam.

Tip: Send your worst platformer or climber up first, and leave your best player at the bottom valve. If the last person falls, they'll be sent to the bottom of the silo, which is where the level starts, and someone will have to go back down to them to get them back up.

Crawl through the vents in front of you, and eventually the area will open up to reveal a control panel with three red buttons that say "Initiate venting sequence." First, kill the enemies in the area. Then, each of you needs to press one of the buttons at the same time.

atomgrad raid episode 2 guide part 2
When you do it right, big red vent lids on the left side will open, letting you jump across to the other side. This might take more than one try. It's a race against time and against weight, so you have to move quickly and can't stand on the same platform as a teammate. But this is a checkpoint, so if you die, you'll start over here.

Again, it might be a good idea to send your worst platformer or jumper first. So, you can keep up with them.

If you climb up the rope on the other side, you'll find another jumping puzzle just like the first one. Hit the three ventilation buttons at the same time, but this time you'll need to jump on the red lids on the left and then on a fourth lid on the right. With this, you can climb up the yellow pipe on the right and keep going up.

Wait at the top of the yellow pipe until the lid right in front of you opens, then jump on it. More platforms will appear on the other side. Jump across to the other side and continue down the line for four jumps. Then, look down for one last platform on the bottom right. If you jump to it, you'll be done with this platforming part.

Continue by going through the blue double doors and dropping down into a tunnel with a ladder. This lets you know where you are.

From here, you'll follow an enemy-filled path in a straight line. Take them out and keep walking until you come to a set of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, there is a box where you can get more plates and a table with things like stim shots. Replace all of your items here before going on.

When the area opens up, there are many enemies in a much bigger space. Get rid of them and look for a rope that goes up. Up here, there may be more enemies waiting for you. When you get to the next level, you'll see another rope going up. You'll need to turn off the valve that's shooting fire before you can zip up this rope. This is similar to how the steam valves worked.

This means that one teammate needs to stay below with the nearby valve while the other two zip up. Timing is very important. You need to be ready to do something with the zip as soon as you hear that the fire is out. Then, the people on top will need to find a valve for the person at the bottom and turn it off.

Get to the warhead of the missile

Open the door up top to move forward, and get rid of the enemies in the tunnel. The tunnel leads to a ladder that goes down into another, smaller tunnel. When you go down, you'll find another jumping puzzle.

If you press the three red buttons at the same time, the red lids will open. Just cross all the lids, and you'll be able to go around the area in a U shape. This one doesn't have much to it. You just need to be quick and try not to gather on the same platform.

Enter the dark tunnel through the door. Here is another checkpoint, and more enemies will be waiting for you. Clear them out and look for a place where you can get down.

More enemies are waiting for you on the floor below. When you kill all of the enemies in a room, you'll be able to get more weapons and armor. Restock your supplies and head to a marked door.

This takes you to another room with a puzzle. There are three control panels in this room that can be used to break up the space.

The first one on your right has a 4-second timer that turns off toxic gas.
You'll find one that turns off fans further on.
A third opens a door to an airlock further down the path.

The control panels will need to be held by two players. (You will always have enemies here, so be ready to fight.) These two people are in charge of helping "the runner" get through the locked door and through a timed segment of 40 seconds.

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Tip: The runner has the hardest job, so send your best "run and gunner" to survive. Or, send the person with the most armor plates or a doctor who can self-revive.

(The right wall with the control panels is made up of a bunch of window panes, so you can see into some of the rooms the runner will be moving through.)

To get the timing right, have one runner wait at the locked door, another at the gas venting panel, and the third at the panel to unlock the airlock door. You need to be able to talk to the people at the panels well because they need to push their buttons at the same time. This opens the door and lets the gas escape from where the runner is going. The runner must also be ready to run as soon as the door opens.

atomgrad raid episode 2 guide part 4
The runner will have to run quickly through a room while carefully avoiding traps that use electricity. But always keep moving. The second room is full of water, so the runner has to do parkour over the tops of PC terminals to get to the other side. When you touch water, it jolts you and slows you down. When the runner is close to the fans, they must tell their teammate so that they can run to the middle control panel and turn off the fans.

One of the three fans will stop working at random, and the runner will have to go through the blades. The runner falls into a new room. To get to another room with a door, they must avoid electricity and climb up some boxes. When the runner is getting close to the door, they must talk quickly so that the airlock door button can be pressed again to open.

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From here, the runner is in a room that is almost the same as the one where the other two players are. They will have to use all three control panels on their own to help the other two get through the same rooms while enemies are shooting at them.

Players 2 and 3 need to wait at their locked door (the one the runner originally used), and the runner needs to kill a few enemies, go to the gas vent panel, turn off the gas, and then run back to the airlock door button. Here, you can't worry about the enemies or re-plate. You have to run straight from the vent panel to the airlock panel, or they won't have enough time to get through the puzzle room.

The second and third players have to move through the room, talk to each other when they get to the fan, and then the runner has to turn off the fan and wait by the panel for the airlock to open the door when it's time.

Then, players two and three can help the runner get rid of any enemies that are still in the area. Still, this is hard, so stay together and use cover to heal each other if you need to. There will be at least one juggernaut here with a minigun.

Then you'll walk down a long hall that ends in a small space that looks like an elevator shaft. This is the last place to check in. At the end of this hallway, you will break through a door.

When the door is broken, a timer starts. You have to push through waves of enemies, and you can't go back because a wall of poisonous gas is coming up behind you. Here, you can get more armor plates, but you need to do it quickly.

If you go down a set of stairs, you'll find a wider path with more enemies to kill. You don't have to kill all of them, but you do need to kill enough to keep moving without getting shot in the back. Run to the other end of the path, go up some stairs, and plant a breach charge on the wall in front of you that looks like it is partially broken.

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Break through the wall, go up the stairs, and keep moving to stay away from the gas. There are more enemies to fight through in the next tunnel. Now, all you have to do is get to the control panel at the end of the tunnel and press the red button. To hit the button and finish the Raid episode, all players must be here.

Rewards from the Raid

When you finish this episode, you get a Captain Price Bad Boonie operator skin that looks like a classic. You also get XP, a token that gives you double weapon XP, and one of seven different rewards. This can be an emblem, a weapon charm, a camo, a loading screen, or something else.

You also get the option to play on a harder level for veterans, which gives you a blueprint for a custom weapon and another random cosmetic item when you beat it.

Buy Atomgrad Raid Episode 2 Boosting

As you can see, completing this raid can be a painful process, and on top of that you need to find 2 other people to play with which isn’t always possible.

This is where we come in. We have a group of professional CoD MW 2 players who can help you complete the Atomgrad Raid episode 2 within a single day. Whether by playing with you or playing on your account.

Head to our Atomgrad raid boosting service and book your boost today!

Secure the Call of Duty rewards you deserve, today.

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