Hey guys! Today I’m going to be teaching you how to complete the Atomgrad raid episode 1 in CoD MW 2.

Since I’m a professional booster here at Boosting Factory, Atomgrad raid boosting is one of my daily jobs. I help clients beat the Atomgrad raid regularly. This is why I decided to give you a guide for free in case you want to do it yourself.

Without further ado, lets go!

What is an Atomgrad Raid?

Raids continue the story of Modern Warfare 2's campaign. They are a three-part mode that has stealth, action, and puzzle-solving goals. Together, they feel a lot like the Zombies Easter eggs in Call of Duty.

With Season 1 Reloaded, Episode 1: Atomgrad Episode 1 came out on December 14, 2022. This is the first of five seasonal episodes. Each season of Modern Warfare 2 will have a new Raid episode.

How To Complete the Atomgrad Raid Episode 1

Raid Assignment

You'll need to finish a challenge and get a Raid Assignment before you can go to the Raid.

There are three ways to get a Raid Assignment:

1. Do a certain daily challenge in multiplayer or Spec Ops.

2. Place in any Warzone 2 BR playlist's top 20.

3. Use the last escape helicopter in the DMZ with at least $30,000 in cash.

Once you get a Raid Assignment, you can bring any two of your squadmates with you or join a friend who already has one. Only one person in the group needs to have the credentials for everyone else to play with them.

The person who owns a Raid Assignment can do the Raid for a full week. You or a teammate will have to do one of the three tasks again after the weekly reset to get a new Raid Assignment.

Completing a multiplayer daily challenge will probably be the easiest way, since Spec Ops daily challenges can take a bit more time. On the Warzone side, DMZ can be a risky and time-consuming choice, but battle royale players shouldn't have too much trouble getting into the top 20.

1. Solve a puzzle to open submarine doors

At the beginning of the Raid, kill any enemies you see. Then, follow the water to the right side of the back of the facility, where you'll see a room with a red light above the door. Go into the room. In the middle of the room is a table with four screens on it. If you press the red button on the wall to the right of the monitors, you'll go to another room with the same four TVs. The first room is the main room, but to solve this cipher, you'll need to use both rooms.

atomgrad raid episode 1 step 1
To do this, each member of your trio will need to take on a different role. Have the two players go their separate ways, with one player in each room. It will be up to the third person to read the codes.

The player who is in charge of reading the codes will be in the main room, standing in the corner to the left of the monitors where the code box is. On the code box, you can see three characters. This code will be a mix of letters and numbers from the United States and Russia.

atomgrad raid episode 1 step 2
The person with the code should say or describe the first letter, and the other two players should use the security monitors to cycle through the cameras until they find the one that shows a big screen with a bunch of numbers and letters. Once a player finds the first letter that matches the first code on the box, they must call out the number that is right below that letter. Do this step again for each of the next two letters in the code box. You'll get a three-digit code at the end.

The person who knows the code should put the three numbers into the machine to the right of the TVs in the first room. In order to finish this step, you will all have to switch roles, since the same player can't use the code box more than once.

Do the same thing again. Have the new code person say each letter out loud as the people watching the monitors listen. Match the three numbers and put them into the machine on the right.

Now you have to do the same thing a third time, with the person who hasn't put in the codes yet being the code person. Enter the last code to open a door in the area where you came from (the water).

During the second and third decoding, you'll get a fourth or fifth symbol in the code box. There are fake signs to throw you off. If neither person on the monitors sees the symbol you describe, skip it and keep calling out letters until you have three numbers to put in the code machine on the right.

2. Now you swim, a lot.

You'll go through the water to get to the new passage, but you'll need to grab an air tank from a table on the left first. If you go on, you'll reach a checkpoint.

Note: Only one air tank is there. To get through the tunnel of water, you'll need to pass the tank from one person to the next as you swim. The path starts out straight, but you'll end up at a gate with a red button.

One person will have to breathe air from the tank and hold the button to open the gate and let the others through. Then someone will have to push the red button just inside the gate to keep the door open for the third person. Just past this gate is a set of stairs that lead to a checkpoint where you can get out of the water.

To keep going, you have to jump back into the water at the stairs and go down into a flooded hallway. There will be tripwires, so try to avoid them as much as possible. As you swim down the hall, green glow sticks will show you the way to a door on the right. Swim through the opening on the other side of the room.

atomgrad raid episode 1 step 3
Go down this hallway, turn left at the first turn, and swim across the broken pieces. Keep going down this hallway until white arrows on the wall tell you to turn right. First, you need to go to the left and use the air pocket inside the elevator shaft. Watch out for the trip wires. This will also add a new checkpoint where people can safely respawn if they die.

atomgrad raid episode 1 step 4
Then go back the way you came and follow the white arrows on the wall to a doorway. Open the door and follow the white arrows until you reach a hole in the ground. There are a lot of trip wires here, so be careful. Send someone who doesn't have the air tank to set them off, since anyone who dies here will respawn at the nearby elevator checkpoint, or if someone still has armor plates, send them first since the explosion shouldn't kill them.

You'll be diving into a long, narrow tunnel, and to stay alive, you'll have to keep sharing the air tank. Keep going straight and follow the light to get to a place where you can swim up and climb out. This will put you in an area that looks like a mineshaft.

Follow the passage to get to another area where you have to drop down and swim through tunnels that are filled with water. Wire fencing will be here, so stay on the left side of the fence. Yellow signs with arrows will show you how to make the turns here. Just keep sharing air so no one dies.

You'll eventually find a door to a bunker that you can swim through to get to the surface. This is a checkpoint or safe area.

3. Turn on the generator and open the door

Inside the bunker, there is a generator. One player must stay next to the generator and turn it on. Send the player down to the underwater door with the air tank. The third player needs to go into the room to the left of the door where there is a red button and hold it down. Like the last red button door, this one needs to be held down, and the player at the generator needs to join the player at the door in order to swim through.

4. Wipe out the armory

You'll find a room full of weapons and tools at the top of the stairs. There will be a few enemies here, so kill them and get ready for a bigger fight ahead. You have to get rid of everything in the armory.

At first, all you'll have is a hallway with enemies and a Juggernaut. Take them out, and then look in the last room on the right for a red button. If you press it, you can go through a different door.

This takes you to a room with green lighting and a hole in the floor. Drop down and follow the tunnel straight ahead. This will drop you into a tunnel with red lights. Keep an eye out for bomb drones. You'll end up in a round room with several different parts.

Pay attention to the two code machines that are right next to where you came in. You'll find a red room and a bluish-white room after that area. Get rid of all the enemies and look around to see what's going on. This room and puzzle will be the last ones.

5. Time for the final puzzle

Once the armory is empty, one person needs to stand by the control panel in the red room and another at the control panel in the blue room. You can interact with these panels to see codes like the ones in the last cipher room, but you don't have to just look at monitors. The codes are in the rooms, and you want to take a quick look and move on. These rooms can be very dangerous.

atomgrad raid episode 1 step 5
The code machines need to be ready for the third person. To open the code box for player three, the people in the red and blue rooms need to press their control panel buttons at the same time. Then the code player can use the code box to start the cipher process.

atomgrad raid episode 1 step 6
This is a lot like the first cipher you broke, but this one has a time limit and enemies. The code person will say the letters, and the people in the red and blue rooms need to say the number as quickly as possible or figure out if it's a false symbol so they can skip it.

Once the first set of numbers is put into the machine correctly, bomb drones will attack the red room, and the blue room will fill up with deadly gas and AI enemies. Kill the enemies and bomb the drones, but stay away from the gas. Then switch roles, because just like last time, you have to choose a new person for the code box in round two. Repeat the steps of the code to get the numbers. For the third set, do this again.

The blue room is the hardest, and as the timer runs down, the second and third sets of codes make it even harder. For the later rounds, I think you should put the person with the best memory in the blue room, because the gas and enemies make it hard to get more than a peek at the code.

6. Survive until doors open up

Once the door opens, you have to fight off the AI enemies and bomb drones that keep coming in until the time runs out. Detonate any bombs they might put on the code box. Near the end, there will be a huge thing.

You can move around here, but these waves of AI soldiers and bomb drones are really hard. My team found that it was best to hide behind boxes around the code machines and watch from different angles while staying together. If someone fell too far from the group, it would be hard to get them back up.

The last step is for everyone to interact with the door between the code box and the input machine once the timer runs out and the door opens. Now that you've finished the first Raid episode in Modern Warfare 2, you can watch a cutscene.

Buy Atomgrad Raid boosting

Not everyone has the squad or time to deal with this raid but still want it done and get the cool rewards.

This is where we come in. We can help you complete the Atomgrad raid with our Atomgrad raid boosting service.

You can play with our premade squad or we can log in on your account and do it for you even cheaper. Whatever you prefer, works for us. Don’t hesitate to get in touch today.

Secure the Call of Duty rewards you deserve, today.

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