Even if you have played the game in the past, you will notice that the unlocking of insured weapon slots and reducing of cooldown penalties has been totally reworked in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 Season 4.

Those players who have previously earned their additional weapon slots will not be required to go through this process again, but those players who haven't been able to complete the grind will find that things have gotten easier.

I'm a professional CoD MW 2 & Warzone 2 booster here at Boosting Factory and unlocking insured weapon slots is part of my job, that's why today I'm going to tell you how to do it as well. Lets go!

What are insured weapon slots, anyway?

You begin DMZ with one insured weapon slot, which is the only weapon that will remain in your inventory even if you are unable to successfully extract from the zone. This tutorial will assist you in unlocking two additional guaranteed weapon slots, giving you access to an even greater variety of weapons. We will also discuss ways to lessen the severity of the cooldown penalties that are incurred when you are unable to extract from the game.

In a nutshell, the only item that you won't lose permanently if the DMZ mission that you attempted fails is the custom blueprint that you placed in your insured weapon slot. You will, however, be penalized if you are unable to effectively extract yourself from the game. This punishment is typically a cooldown timer of one or two hours, which means that the weapon is inaccessible for a period of time. This can be a nuisance if you do not manually upgrade your selections in the settings.

The DMZ menus have been updated for Season 4, and you should now see an Upgrade section next to the tab that corresponds to your current mission. You will have the ability to unlock a second and third weapon slot by using the weapons locker that is located under the Upgrade menu. This will also grant you passive cooldown abilities for the weapons that are insured by this locker.

dmz insured weapon slots

How to unlock second insured weapon slot?

You must gain reputation level four with Black Mous in order to unlock both the second and third insured weapon slots. After you've done that, you can complete the required challenges and unlock the slots. The second slot is fairly easy but the third one takes time and is very grindy.

For the second slot the challenge is:

1. Extract three IFAKs found at hospitals.
2. Extract one AFAK or large medical bag.
3. Extract one enemy operator’s weapon.

As was just discussed, IFAKs can be found in medical facilities. You should discover quite a bit if you search through all of the medical cabinets, first aid stations, and other loot containers that are located there. Additionally, AFAKs can be found in healthcare facilities such as hospitals and field treatment tents.

You will need to eliminate an enemy before you can extract their weapon and use it. You have the option of either camping an exfil point or going after a player who has triggered the map by picking up a weapon case. Both of these options are available to you. Then make your escape after taking their weapon.

dmz warzone vondel map

How to unlock third insured weapon slot?

For the third slot the challenge is:

Extract five GPUs.
Extract 10 gold bars.
Extract 10 gold skulls.

You can find GPUs in the computers that are found in offices, banks, and police stations. However, you can also find them in the supply boxes that are placed in strongholds.

Gold bars are an extremely valuable piece of treasure that may be acquired from a wide variety of containers. The more uncommon the container is, such as those that can be discovered in strongholds or with monsters, the greater the likelihood that it will contain gold bars.

Gold skulls can be obtained through a variety of different means; however, the most popular option is through defeating one of the game's bosses, such as the Bombmaker or the Pyro. The Sawah Hotel and police stations both sell gold skulls, so you can try your luck there as well.

This is why we started our DMZ insured weapon slots unlock service where my colleagues or I can help you unlock them in no time while you chill and relax!

dmz sawah hotel

How to reduce the cooldown on insured weapon slots

A cooldown penalty can feel like a severe setback, but continuing to play the game and leaving matches with cash can substantially lessen the amount of time your greatest weapons will be unavailable to you.

On the other hand, you have the ability to grant yourself additional cooldown bonuses for each insured weapon slot that you have unlocked. This feature, which is triggered by unlocking the passive cooldown abilities in the weapon locker tab of your Upgrades menu, can be used to give yourself these bonuses.

Cooldown reduction for slot one

It is necessary to reach reputation level three with the Phalanx in order to obtain the 25% reduction in the cooldown of the weapon penalty for your first insured weapon slot. Only then will you be eligible to receive this reduction. When you reach level nine of Phalanx, you are eligible for an extra 25% decrease, bringing your total reduction to 50%.

Cooldown reduction for slot two

You will not be able to access the cooldown upgrade options for slot two until you have first ensured that both of the upgrades for slot one have been completed. Then, when you finish the upgrade to the cooldown of slot one and reach reputation level five with Phalanx, you will receive a 25% reduction in the amount of time required for the cooldown.

After you have completed the previous cooldown upgrade and have reached reputation level 12 with Phalanx, you will receive an extra 25% decrease in your cooldown times. Your overall cooldown penalty will be reduced by 50% as a result of this.

Cooldown reduction for slot three

To begin, you will need to finish all of the preceding upgrades to the cooldown. Then, when you achieve reputation level 7 with Phalanx and finish the upgrade to the cooldown of slot one, you will receive a 25% reduction in the amount of time required for the cooldown.

After you have completed the previous cooldown upgrade and have reached reputation level 15 with Phalanx, you will receive an additional 25% reduction in your cooldown time that will bring your total reduction to 50%.

Secure the Call of Duty rewards you deserve, today.

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