Diablo 4 has a dedicated fan following globally primarily because it's available on so many platforms. But, what if you want to play the game from a different platform? Or Say with friends who are playing on a different platform? Is Diablo 4 cross platform? I will answer that in today's post.

What Is Cross Platform, anyway?

By cross-platform, I mean players can play Diablo 4 from any supported platform like console, PC, and even team up together across platforms without losing any of the saved data.

Is Diablo 4 Cross-Platform?

Yes, Diablo 4 is cross-play and supports various platforms like:

  • PC
  • PS5
  • Xbox Series X
  • PS4
  • Xbox One

  • However, if you are thinking of teaming up with other players on different platforms, there are a few requirements that you need to fulfill.

    1. Ensure The World Tier Is The Same

    You can only group with players on the same world tier. Changing the world tier to match your friends' isn't difficult. Two ways in which you can do so are:

    Method 1: Changing it from the menu

    changing world tier in diablo 4
  • Step 1: Visit the main menu within the game and choose the World Tier option.

  • Step 2: Choose the option that matches with your friends.

  • That's it! Now, you can team with your friends (check the section below for the procedure.)

    Method 2: Changing it from the World Tier statue

    Within the game, you would find World Tier statues in every major city where you can change the World Tier using the procedure below:

  • Step 1: Visit the statue in any major town and select the World Tier you prefer. The statue looks very similar to the rogue angel Inarius.

  • Step 2: Changing the world tier will lead to a new Sanctuary instance.

  • Use either of the methods to change the World tier level before teaming up with a friend of a different World Tier.

    Read more in our: The Complete Diablo 4 World Boss Guide (Timers, How To's)

    2. You need to be friends on Battle.net

    The game developers have given the option to team up with those players who are your friends on Battle.net accounts. Therefore, before teaming up, add them as friends in your Battle.net account.

    Which Platforms Does Diablo 4 Crossplay Support?

    The good news is that cross-play is supported between any combination of platforms like:

  • PS4 & Xbox One
  • PC and Console
  • Xbox One & Xbox Series X
  • PS4 & PS5
  • PS5 & Xbox Series X

  • It means as long as the player has a device that supports the game, he/she can play with other players irrespective of their platform.

    Does Diablo 4 have Cross-Progression?

    Yes, cross-progression is supported as well. It means as long as you have saved your progress in your account, you can continue playing on another device/platform and resume the game from where you left off. However, before you jump at the idea of doing this, keep in mind the stipulations below:

    1. The game needs to be bought for separate devices

    Let's say you purchased the game for PS4, and if you want to play it on Xbox Series using cross-progression, you will have to buy another instance of the game. That can certainly prove to be a costly proposition if you plan to play on different platforms.

    2. Ensure you are signed in

    For cross-progression to work, you must ensure you are signed in to the same Battle.net account on every device/platform because that is how you can resume from where you left off. Keep in mind that the syncing happens through this account, and without it, you can't resume your game from the same point on another device.

    How To Play Diablo 4 Across Platforms?

    diablo 4 enable crossplatform
    Now that you know what can be done, it's time to understand how to play Diablo 4 cross-platform. You would have to enable cross-platform play to do so.

  • Step 1: Open Diablo 4 options menu and select Social tab.

  • Step 2: Select the option 'Cross-Network Communications' and 'Cross-Network Play'.

  • How To Co-op Online In Diablo 4?

    Once the options mentioned above are enabled you can start playing cross platform in co-op mode. The Cross-network play option is to play with friends using another platform. The Cross-Network communications option is to chat or speak with them.

    After that, creating a party is relatively easy.

    diablo 4 invite to party screen
  • Step 1: Visit the map screen.

  • Step 2: Go to the social tab.

  • Step 3: Click on the Battle.net friend you want to play with. You can choose "Invite to Party" or "Request to Join Party". The former will invite them to join you within the game, and the second one will allow you to join their group within the game.

  • Step 4: Once connected, your friend will be visible adjacent to you on the screen.

  • Note: In case you can't view your friends yet within the game world, that's because they might be at a different location in the game. In that case, you need to head to that location to play together.

    What Is Couch Co-op In Diablo 4?

    Couch co-op in Diablo 4 is available for consoles, allowing both players to play using the same console. It means if your friend is present at the same location as you, there is no need to fire up different consoles or devices to play the game together.

    How To Couch Co-op In Diablo 4?

    Playing in couch co-op is relatively simple in Diablo 4.

  • Step 1: Login to your Battle.net account and choose the character or create a new one. Don’t start the game yet.

  • Step 2: After that, power up the second controller, which will prompt the second player to enter his/her account details on the screen. Once entered, the couch co-op mode will be activated.

  • Tips To Keep In Mind While Playing Diablo 4 In Co-op mode

    It's now time to understand how to make full use of the cross-platform and co-op capabilities of Diablo 4.

    1. Enemy scales

    When you play along with your friends, most games either take into account the skill level of the weakest player or the strongest players. Both these systems are flawed because at-least one player has to adjust for the rest. Diablo 4 doesn't use this mechanism.

    Instead, it scales the enemy level as per individual player. It means even when playing in co-op, everyone faces enemies at their respective skill levels, ensuring the game is challenging for everyone.

    2. Dungeons become easier

    Dungeons provide a lot of rewards like Glyphs, among other unique items. However, the loot comes after defeating a whole host of difficult enemies. Doing so on a solo basis isn't easy. However, in the co-op mode, you can create a team of 4 players or less and tackle these enemies together. It means gathering the loot becomes a lot easier in co-op mode.

    3. Loot is fair

    Usually, when you play in a team, there is a rush after defeating the enemy to pick the best loot. In Diablo 4, you won't face this issue. You get individualized loot depending on how you contributed while defeating the enemy. In a nutshell, there is no need to rush to grab the best loot.

    4. Try the PvP Mode

    Many players don't prefer taking down AI bots because it leads to monotonous gameplay down the line. However, Diablo 4 provides you with an alternative to the same. You can use the Player vs Player (PvP) mode in Diablo 4. The mode goes by the name of Fields of Hatred, allowing you to compete against human players, which means the battles are pretty intense and, therefore, exciting.

    5. Don't ignore the shards

    Co-op mode is even more exciting due to the Shards, the defacto currency in Fields of Hatred. After taking down opponents, you can collect and purify shards to gain currency. With this currency, you can procure better resources, improving your gameplay.

    If you think that's easy, let me tell you it isn't. The reason is that purifying shards is time-consuming, and you are vulnerable to attacks during this time. The attacking players have only 1 intention, which is to separate you from your loot. However, if you successfully purify, you get useful resources that you can trade up for better gear within Fields of Hatred.

    6. slay demons in Kyovashad city

    diablo 4 kyovashad city map
    Remember that the Co-op mode only opens once you complete the Prologue. After that, you must visit Kyovashad City, located in Fractured Peaks. This city is where your co-op adventures can begin.

    7. Utilize any of the 2 options to form a group

    To form a group, you have 2 options.

  • Option 1: Use the Social tab under the game menu to send invites to your friends.

  • Option 2: Use the Battle.net launcher to manage your games and use the "Add Friend" option followed by "Invite Party" to create a group.

  • FAQs

    Is Diablo 4 better on PC or console?

    Most players deem PC as the best platform to play Diablo 4 on because of better picture quality and higher graphics fidelity on Gaming PCs. Of course, you would miss out on the couch co-op feature, so keep that in mind.

    Why is Diablo 4 so laggy on PC?

    Diablo 4 might be lagging on your PC because of lower FPS capability. Even if you have a fast internet connection, this problem can still occur. Additionally, multiple apps running in the background can also cause the game to lag.

    Is Diablo 4 a hard game?

    For a casual player, Diablo 4 is indeed hard because of numerous obstacles and challenges along the way. However, for anyone willing to invest time into upgrading the abilities of their character, the game is actually entertaining and gets easier down the line.

    Read more in our: Diablo 4 Glyphs - Everything You Need To Know

    What is the Diablo 4 cross-gen bundle?

    Diablo 4 cross-gen bundle contains the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game. If you have bought this bundle, you can run the game on both consoles.

    Wrapping it up

    So, the answer to the question is Diablo 4 cross platform is certainly a yes. Before you get excited about it, you need to understand the nuances of playing cross platform, which have been highlighted above. Simply follow the guide above, and you can enjoy the game on any platform and even play along with your friends.

    The best way to enjoy Diablo 4 is to progress through the game faster. Check out our Diablo 4 boosting services such as Diablo 4 powerleveling service to do that without lifting a finger.

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