Check your e-mail inbox! You might find free 1000 gold in there like we just did.

HotS gold

Our latest Heroes of the Storm™ update includes exciting improvements to bundles and competitive play. Many bundle prices now update dynamically based on what Heroes, skins, or mounts you already own. On the competitive front, Hero and Team Leagues have been combined into a new Ranked play mode. In addition, it no longer costs gold to play in Team League, so there’s never been a better time to get a group together and crush the opposition! To learn more, check out the patch notes here.

As a player who purchased multiple copies of Heroes, skins, or mounts; created a team for Team League prior to the patch; or both, we wanted to extend a sincere “Thank you” . . . in the form of a glittering stash of gold!

On August 21, we added 1000 gold to your account.

We’ll see you in the Nexus!

The Heroes of the Storm Team

Also, Infernal Shrines Overview.

Quick Pro Tips from Heroes of the Storm Boosters

- Heroes with a lot of AoE damage are best to get Punishers.

- Punishers are really squishy and take a lot of dmg, focus it asap.

- Obviously stay at max range from Punishers.

- Punisher can focus Heroes not just buildings.

- Take Shrines strategically, don't run in like an idiot.

- Map is easily snowballed if you die a lot to Punishers, positioning is very important.


Blizzard is adding the map rotation feature because too many maps are in the game right now, this is the first rotation.

Map Rotation: August 26 – September 2

Battlefield of Eternity

Infernal Shrines

Dragon Shire

Cursed Hollow

Tomb of the Spider Queen

Sky Temple

Make sure to check out our Heroes of the Storm Boost service which is now 15% off for 48 more hours.

For people who like to learn with a mentor, check our Heroes of the Storm Coaching service.

Our Cursed Hollow Guide will surely be of interest too, just like our Heroes of the Storm Competitive Play 3-part Guide.

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