
When Does HotS 2018 Season 3 Start?

Heroes of the Storm's 2018 Season 3's start date is the week of July 10th, 2018.

When Does HotS 2018 Season 3 End?

2018 Season 2 ends on the week of September 24th, 2018.

2018 Season 3 Rewards

- Usual Gold + portrait rewards for each tier are awarded.

- Normal mounts are awarded for players in Platinum and Diamond, while Epic Mounts are rewarded to those in Master or Grandmaster.

Hero League Portraits hots 2018 season 3 hero league portraits

Team League Portraits hots 2018 season 3 hero league portraits

Mounts hots 2018 season 3 hero league portraits

2018 Season 3 Changes

- A third ban is added into the ban rotation for draft modes.

- A maximum rank that can be achieved from placement games on an account that's entering Hero League for the first time is now Platinum 5.

- To enter Hero League you now need 16 heroes on level 5 or higher.

- Not playing for a couple of seasons and meanwhile increasing your MMR in Quick Play and Unranked draft is no longer possible, your Hero League MMR from the last played season is taken into consideration only.

- The game will no longer match you with out of your league opponents if you're in the queue for long, you will receive a notification that warns you that you will be matched more poorly but get in the game sooner.

- GM players can now only get matched with Masters or Grand Masters.

- Master players can now get only matched with GMs or Diamond 1s but never both at the same time.

- A decay system is introduced for Diamond, Master, and Grandmaster players, meaning that after a certain number of days, if you play no ranked games for that mode, you will start to lose points and MMR. An additional grace period days can be achieved by actively playing games throughout the season.

Diamond - 20 days inactivity before decay - Up to 10 days grace period days can be achieved.

Master - 15 days inactivity before decay - Up to 10 days grace period days can be achieved.

Grandmaster - 10 days inactivity before decay - Up to 10 days grace period days can be achieved.

- Matching for GM and Master players is no longer based on current points in the league, but rather by your matchmaking rating.


How To Win All Placement Games?

Check our guide How To Win 9 or Even 10 Placement Games.

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