91.87% win rate across the board


Average starting time 11 minutes


9 hours on average per day

Deadlock Coaching FAQ

Affordanble and safe way to become a better player with the help of pro players in all regions with a money-back guarantee.
You book a number of hours on our coaching page, add any order notes you might have and checkout. After that, we will assign one of our professional coaches to start the lessons with you. There are many methods to coaching including playing with clients, reviewing VODs, watching the client play and more. You will work out the details and your preferred method with your coach.
Yes, you can do that during coaching, however, not ranked play.
Yes, after purchase, you get your own personal tracking page that includes a direct chat with your coach.
Coaching starts the same day in most cases.
No, coaching is not bannable.
Yes, after purchase, you get your own personal order tracking page.
We accept PayPal, all major credit cards, Skrill, Klarna, iDeal, Alipay, Neteller, Paysafecard, and Bitcoin.

Don't just take our word for it, see what our customers say about us

How does Deadlock Coaching Work?

Get Deadlock Coaching from Boosting Factory to take your skills to the next level in Valve’s Deadlock. You'll be matched with top-tier players who offer personalized guidance, helping you master advanced strategies and sharpen your gameplay. Whether you're looking for expert tips or want to fine-tune your skills, our coaches provide custom training that drives real improvement. With Boosting Factory, you're investing in a game-changing experience that boosts your confidence and performance in Deadlock.


  • Desired amount of hours with a pro coach

  • Improved skills

  • Knowledge about Deadlock you won't find everything

Create a perfect order according to your needs

Not every gamer has the time to become better at Deadlock, nor you can pass certain thresholds by yourself. That’s where we come in—with our Deadlock coach you can become a better player starting today.

Our advanced Deadlock coaching servicep lets you schedule your order, pause it anytime, watch the pro play your chosen character list, and make special requests. Just let us know, and we’ll make it happen!

Deadlock boosting order customization demo

After placing an order, what happens next?

Once your payment is processed (which only takes a few seconds), you’ll be redirected to a page where you’ll find your receipt—also sent to your email—and a link to your personal order tracking page. There, you can track your order, chat with your booster, schedule your coaching sessions, and more.

You can also update any incorrect info, pause or resume the order, add notes for your coach, check progress, and even choose your preferred booster. We’re always learning from our customers and will keep adding new features to make your experience even better.

deadlock boosting progress and chat demo

Loyalty program designed for you

Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and nothing makes us happier than seeing returning customers. That’s why we’ve created a loyalty program to give back to our most dedicated players.

Every member of our Deadlock boosting platform has a personal loyalty ranking, which grows with each purchase. The rankings range from Bronze to Grandmaster, and each time you level up, you’ll earn a bigger discount coupon for future orders. Plus, if you refer a friend, both of you get store credit cash to use whenever you want!

Boosting savings

Need help?

get in touch

completion time

2 - 3 days



store credit


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